Nurture and Challenge Your Spirit
a member of the Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts

"Walk in love,
as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God."
Ephesians 5:2

The Stewardship Committee invites you to give thanks for the many people at St. John’s who have walked with you in love, supported you in your faith, and shared their gifts with you. Please download and fill out a pledge card (below) and return it to St. John's so we can count your pledge with the many others to be blessed that day! If you have more questions about our annual pledge campaign, please speak to or email Marya.
Thank you!!
Making a gift is part of a larger spiritual practice of giving your time, talent, and financial resources. This year the theme of our Annual Giving Campaign is Walk in Love. As we walk together in love, you will find:
God’s presence and a welcoming and loving community of people,
meaningful and relevant liturgies with beautiful music, and well-maintained buildings and grounds,
numerous ministries that support the world beyond our doors through outreach and engagement.
As you consider your pledge, please ask yourself:
How does my commitment reflect gratitude for the abundant blessings I experience at St. John’s and in my daily life?
How will fulfilling my commitment be a part of my spiritual practice for the coming year?
Your gifts can be directed to a variety of resources which you can choose or you may make a general donation. Each campaign is outlined below for your consideration. You can support us now through our PayPal link.
Make a Donation
Planned Giving (Safe Harbor Society)
Our members often want to give more than their annual pledge, and for most families, a planned gift is their best opportunity to make a larger donation. Everyone who has notified us that their legacy will include a gift to the parish is a member of our Safe Harbor Society. But the Safe Harbor Society is about more than planned giving: we also offer information, resources, and occasional workshops on all aspects of end-of-life planning, and we offer an annual thank-you event for all members of our society. For more information or to join, please contact us.
Giving for Music
Gifts to the Music Guild fund make it possible for our Director of Music to invest in our rich and vibrant practice of music. Some people also make gifts earmarked to sponsor occasional services sung by Festina, a small professional choral ensemble.
Rectors Discretionary Fund
This is how our Rector helps the poor and needy, by making gifts to individuals and organizations on behalf of the congregation. All gifts to individuals are made in strictest confidence. Individuals are welcome to make gifts to the fund, but it is not possible to direct such a gift to a particular recipient.
We ask you to prayerfully consider your pledge for 2024. St. John's is a sacred community with a spiritual and loving family, with a beautiful place to worship and a holy commitment to minister to our wider community. A pledge is one outward and visible sign of your commitment to God and to this faith community.